A Hands-on Introduction to UX Design for Developers and Managers
What if you could learn in two days how to radically improve the user experience of your apps? Not by becoming a visual designer who chooses cool colors – instead, by understanding users better, and crafting interactions and experiences that will make them faster and more satisfied with the software you build.
Almost all developers can learn the basics of designing good user interactions and data visualizations. Using the techniques and processes in the workshop, you'll be on your way to designing significantly better applications than you do today. You won't become an award winning designer, but you will see lots of ways to make apps more productive, with fewer errors, to require less training, and need less technical support. In short, you will see how even basic UX design can significantly increase the value of your apps. You'll see many of the scientific principles behind good design, and learn a lightweight process for doing interaction design. You'll also experience many hands-on exercises to let you try out these techniques and processes, and learn from your own experience and the experience of other workshop attendees.
Plus, you'll have fun along the way. What other workshop will feature pink flamingos, Mr. Meeseeks, asteroids, moon-walking bears, Creepy Watson, and a developer snorting code off the screen? Come ready to participate in hands-on design exercises, alone and in groups. Come have some fun, and walk out with some tangible ways to make your users' lives better.

Billy is internationally known for his work on user experience design, design thinking, and native software development. His team, based in Nashville, Tennessee, has created modern apps hailed around the world for innovation and effective use of advanced user interface technologies. Billy has been a Microsoft Regional Director for 25 years, was a Microsoft MVP for 15 years, and was named a Software Legend in 2002. You can see Billy at major conferences all over the world, usually doing sessions to help developers to become more focused on designing and developing software that users love.