From EventStorming to CoDDDing
In this workshop, you will explore a domain and translate it to code by using Domain-Driven Design patterns. The workshop targets two groups: those starting to learn Domain-Driven Design and who want to practice their Domain-Driven Design knowledge.
The workshop is structured based on the Model Exploration Whirlpool from Eric Evans:
- Explore a scenario - by using EventStorming
- Create models - to support the scenario
- Code the model - to validate the scenario
This workshop is based on several hands-on exercises, including visual collaboration, software design and coding. The practice is favoured over theory, and you can expect a highly interactive workshop by working in small groups.
Who should attend
The workshop is focused on people involved in the craft of software design and coding. It doesn’t matter your experience level; everyone has something to contribute. Your title can range from software developer, software architect or software engineer. Here are some examples to get you inspired!
No prior knowledge of Domain-Driven Design is needed. You should have programming experience in any language or paradigm.
The exercises mix visual collaboration, where people can experiment with physical or digital canvas, and coding exercises. Techniques such as EventStorming, Behaviour Driven Development and Testing Driven Development will be used. If you have already used any of the techniques, or it is the first time you have read about them, you are welcome!
Computer Setup
This workshop will mainly use sticky notes and whiteboards in the physical space. However, we will also be using Miro, the virtual whiteboard. We, therefore, recommend installing the Miro application on your laptop or tablet and signing up for a free Miro account.
If you haven’t used Miro before, you may want to learn the basic controls. The Miro Academy has some short videos to help you quickly get up to speed.
For the coding exercises, please bring your IDE of choice and any framework that can support it.

João is an independent consultant focus on supporting organisations creating purposeful systems. As part of his consultancy practice he helps organisations bridging their strategy to the execution. He is passion about the evolution of sociotechnical systems.
He is one of the authors of the book Software Architecture Metrics, the curator of the bool Visual Collaboration Tools and the host of the Software Crafts Podcast.
When he is not on his duties, you can find him travelling with his daughter and wife, or laying down on the beach reading a book. João is an amateur cook in his remaining time.