Introduction to C++20
The C++20 is not just yet another incremental update but a profound change to the C++ language and its standard library. With many essential features added this C++ version may impact us even more than C++11 did nearly 10 years ago.
The C++ compiler developers are working hard to make their product conforming to the new specification and lots of features are already available to play with. During the training, a particular emphasis will be put on learning and practicing the most prominent C++20 features like Concepts, Ranges, and Coroutines, but also we will try many other smaller features of the new language.
Two days are not enough to cover everything of this massive release. We will do our best to cover as much as possible but probably we will scope mainly on the new language features and will cover only the most essential library facilities.
During the workshop we will work with the latest version of the compiler thanks to the Compiler Explorer, so no special environment preparation is needed.

A software architect, principal engineer, and security champion with over 20 years of experience designing, writing, and maintaining C++ code for fun and living. A trainer with over 10 years of C++ teaching experience, consultant, conference speaker, and evangelist. His main areas of interest and expertise are Modern C++, code performance, low latency, safety, and maintainability.
Mateusz worked at Intel for 13 years, and now he is a Principal Software Engineer and the head of the C++ Competency Center at EPAM Systems. He is also a founder of Train IT, which provides dedicated C++ trainings and consulting services to corporations worldwide.
Mateusz is a contributor and an active voting member of the ISO C++ Committee (WG21), where, together with the best C++ experts in the world, he shapes the future of the C++ language.