Leisurely React and TypeScript for Thinker-Doers
This is a series of half-day workshops on React in TypeScript at a leisurely pace over a few weeks, to get you started on the right foot for front-end development with a solid understanding of key concepts and a sound mental model. Featuring opinionated views on design-first thinking, simple architecture, use of TypeScript for strong typing and programming functionally.
Made for developers new to React, TypeScript or front-end, or those needing a refresher. Prior programming experience is necessary, but not specific to any language or framework.
Throughout the workshops we'll build a fun and increasingly complex front-end application from scratch. These are the sessions:
- Introduction to React with TypeScript - 29 Sept
- State management with React hooks - 6 Oct
- State management with Redux / Sagas - 13 Oct
- Forms with React - 20 Oct
- Routing and styling - 27 Oct
- Testing: unit testing, React testing library and Cypress tests - 3 Nov
- Authorization and authentication - 10 Nov
- Operations: build pipelines, deployment and source mapping - 17 Nov
This workshop works best with at least 3 people. If you have colleagues or friends that want to join with you – great! If not, please reach out to [email protected], and we will let you know as soon as there is a group to join.

Often considered an instigator of controversy, Hackle advocates programming as a thinking game; he strives for simplicity and elegance, and enjoys sharing his learnings in pragmatic, idiomatic and accessible ways.