Practical Machine Learning with Functional Programming
Machine Learning and Functional Programming are both very hot topics these days; they are also both rather intimidating for the beginner. In this workshop, we'll take a 100% hands-on approach, and learn practical ideas from Machine Learning, by tackling real-world problems and implementing solutions in F#, in a functional style.
In the process, you will see that once you get beyond the jargon, F# and Machine Learning are actually not all that complicated – and fit beautifully together. So if you are curious about what Machine Learning is about, and want to sharpen your developer skills, come with your laptop and… let's hack together!
What you should expect:
- No F# or Machine Learning prerequisites: complete beginners are totally welcome.
- A hands-on introduction to simple Machine Learning ideas you can use, by solving real-world problems.
- A practical introduction to writing effective F# code.
- Lots of coding on fun problems!
Computer setup:
Attendees will need a laptop with an IDE or editor running F#. for instructions on how to get setup.- you will need a laptop with an IDE or editor running F#; check for instructions on how to get setup.

Mathias Brandewinder has been developing software on .NET for about 10 years, and loving every minute of it, except maybe for a few release days. His language of choice was C#, until he discovered F# and fell in love with it. He enjoys arguing about code and how to make it better, and gets very excited when discussing TDD or F#. His other professional interests include forecasting models, machine learning and applying math to solve business problems. Mathias is a Microsoft F# MVP and the founder of Clear Lines Consulting. He is based in San Francisco, blogs at